domingo, abril 27, 2008

El Post Gatuno

ES por todos conocido el hecho de que en esta zona del mundo muchos perros nohay, así del rollo abandonados como con dueño. No les gustan supongo.
Los perros de aquí no ladran, sus cacas no apestan y el único alboroto que arman son las refriegas nocturnas vete-tu-a-saber-porqué... Estos perros arañan y maullan, pero son mucho más agradables ;)

Aunque no todos son muy sociables, los hay mansos y amables... :P

Así como juguetones XD te los puedes encontrar por la calle en plena faena... y cuando digo en plena calle ÉS en medio de la calle... haciendo parar a los coches en un despliegue abusivo de lujuria y placer...

En fin,yo prefiero mil veces que hayan gatos que perros... razones mil, aunque sólo sea por el hecho de que "Cuándo te ha molestado un gato?" o simplemente, haz una proporción "Número de veces que me ha molestado un gato/número de veces que me ha molestado un perro" y tenderá a 0

Aunque por muy majos que sean, el motivo de este post no deja de ser unhomenaje al único lector afín al programa XD nuestra señoría Guille, hoy ya de medio medio siglo de ancianidad, para tí son estas foticos de gatos de toda la isla...

desde luego, por estos lares no podrías andar tranquilo con Guille de compañia, se pararía cada 2 minutos a acariciar a un gato... no se acaban XD

aunke... ahora con la primavera... a ver si las gatas no nos van a dejar dormir ;)


martes, abril 08, 2008

Istanbul, trip to the past

If you should visit any part of Asia, and you don't know which, let me advice you a little, it should be Istanbul. Why? easy, is the only place I've been, so is the only I can recommend ;)

For sure I'm not able to give a global advertisement about Asia, but I cansay I liked very much this trip, and for sure I'll return, with "taco gordo" and more time. A week is not enough.

The people, the people are turkish, of course is not fair to put all in the same place, they are a lot and they are different, but... you should take a lot of care of your things, specially in the night, specially if you're drunk (eh Cora... :P)

But is not so exagerated as in Tunissia for example, where your stuff is in danger even in the room of your 5 star hotel... We slept in a Hostel and no problem, it was completely ok.

Of course, is aplace where they want foreign money, and you should look a little to found cheap prices, if you buy just in front of your hotel, it'll be the same price as in Europe, they're not silly people, and if they can they will cheat you! Is the way of life...
(The Europe Side Fortress)
But anyway, if you've patience you'll find some "kebab" for less than 2€!! (although, you cannot eat always kebab... your stomack will complain!)

And, if you like to visit, you have a lot of ancient buildings, as mosquees, castles, walls, palaces, cisterns, towers, aqueduct... you can choose. Of course, some of then are with entrance, standard price 10 YTL (Turquish Lyra), about 5 €, no special price for students neither nothing similar, so fnally is not so cheap, but it worth!!!

And apart of the ancient runs, there is also a big city to visit, full of life at any hour, full of corners to discover and little trips to do, specially boat trips, go to the Bosforus, go to the Princes Islands, go anywhere, or simply stay in the city, a 16Milion people city, so, don't worry, you won't finish it!

And remember, go with a friend, better in company ;)

fotos: quinientas y pico... O_o
Istanbul 1
Istanbul 2
Istanbul 3
Istanbul 4
Istanbul 5
Istanbul 6
Flickr's Selection: para mejor calidad :D

*In fact I were only about 15 minutes in the Asian side, but is more exotic to speak about Asia, isn't it? :P
All this pictures are in the European side!

nota del autor: el picture del castle es edicion especial Ruben Arroyo's